Thursday, February 7, 2013

"coming out of the closet" the wiccan closet LOL

Good morning everyone,

Today i thought i would be good to talk about some of the stario types wiccans and pagans get allot from people that don't understand.

Well coming out of the Wiccan closet is not a easy thing to do, if you are as emotional and sensitive as i am, then you are probably thinking well my mom or dad or grandparents are going to think I'm crazy and going to go to hell. Well the fact is you don't know that for sure until you try it, right. there is no harm in trying something, and if you don't like it then get out of it. anyway back to the emotional crap lol.

In my first year of starting Wicca i had always had this haunting worry that if someone my parents knew found out and told them that i was Wiccan and practicing physic then would they be mad or ad, or embarrassed? well to my luck i am still worried about them being embarrassed about there son being "a witch", but the important thing is that you are happy with who you are and if your not then you should change things to make you happy in your life. your parents love you and will always love you.

My parents are very supportive of my religious choice. and I'm so glad for that. i have great parents that love and care for me. before i start sounding like a sob-opera here lol lets continue

being Wiccan means that you are accepting and loving of all things, yes this is meaning that the people you DISLIKE not hate!!! :) are people you actually should show love too, have you have you ever heard the words, "kill them with kindness" ? well that is a good few words to live by. as well you are opening a can of worms to have people that believe we are people the worship the devil and live in dark places with lots of black cat and where pointy hats lol, this is not the case, unless its dress up day at your house. :)

I have been told by a few family members that i am "playing with the devil" well i don't believe i am, the devil is a Cristian manifestation of the pagan god pan. I don't know about you but i have never worked with the pagan god pan in my entire life so, i don't see how i am "playing with the devil". you have to come to realize that when you " come out of the closet" you will receive jokes and ridicule about your belief system, but it i your job to change that view they have of Wicca and make it a positive experience. Wicca to me is not harmful, very loving and powerful, flowing with acceptance.

it is important to make sure you show Wicca to be a good thing, I'm not saying go up and down the streets in your town preaching your religion NO! i don't think that you should do that. if people don't want to hear it then that's fine if they have questions they will ask you.

Some of my friends think its very cool what i do and how i live my life, some think I'm crazy lol , but you win some you loose some.

I guess the lesson out of this today is to be happy with your self if your not happy then change something so you are happy.

thanks for reading

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