Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Love vs. Life

Well everyone thank you for being so patient this week for my blog. This week has been tough for me, went through a small rough patch. Thank you all for those that gave me so much support when I needed it the most.

This week’s blog isn't about Wicca or anything like that; this week’s message is from the heart.

All of us are taught lessons in life, every day something happens that you are learning from. Some good and some bad. It is important to take that lesson and learn from it and move on. The one thing i learnt this week is that I cannot be there to pick everyone up from their problems if i don't love myself or treat myself the way i treat other people, with kindness and unconditional love. I am a very kind person, which helps a little too much sometimes. This makes me for who I am. But there comes a time where you realize that you also have to take care of yourself and love yourself before you can go on loving everyone around you.

This week i met a new friend, she is a great person and I am so very happy I met her. She is so beautiful and kind and caring. She is just like me in almost every area of my life hahaha... What I'm trying to say here is that no matter how old you are no matter what your life story is life gives you people like this to be with and enjoy life with. I ended up falling for this young lady and the feeling was not mutual, but it’s OK :). Because of the Strong bond we had as friends we decided to stay friends, and I'm okay with that. I told her how I felt and she told me she didn't feel the same way. (Most people would be like oh OK talk you ya never) I'm not like most people as you may know :). We are the best of friends now and I'm glad for that. Fate has weird was of working.

Sometimes people think “my life sucks, I can’t find that one girl or that one guy that will make my life complete, and so I feel loved". Well please allow me to tell you, life is not going to be easy at first. but there is so much to do in life other than finding that one person to be happy with, in my case, instead of looking for the "one" I am improving my life and deciding what i want to do in life, I'm letting the universe take care of finding me a girlfriend ha ha. I have a good idea on how i want to live my life. Not many people know how they want to live there life at the age of 19, I do. So i am very happy about that.

You fall down and you get back up. I know someone out there is like “no my situation is different" OK, sure. No matter the situation you have, you need to get back on your horse and keep riding through life.

A number have people have messaged me asking for advice on their relationships this week, asking "is this the right girl for me", "can you ask my mom (who has passed) if this is the she would want me to be with." The dead should not have any say in what kind of girl you date or if this is the right one for you, they are your family and just as they did when they were here on earth they do in the afterlife, they love you, no matter what you do.

You will find people in your life that you fall for and sometimes you fall hard for the person, i understand. It’s OK, you have to keep positive. A story/ example i always tell to people are that. In my life I have become friends with some girls my age, and i thought i really liked them more than a friend. I told them how I felt and turned out the feelings were not mutual and we are now good friends. The lesson here is that you cannot live life in hurt and despair, depression or loss of hope. You need to get back on your horse and keep riding through the Valleys of life. No matter how hard things get don't give up!