Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Love vs. Life

Well everyone thank you for being so patient this week for my blog. This week has been tough for me, went through a small rough patch. Thank you all for those that gave me so much support when I needed it the most.

This week’s blog isn't about Wicca or anything like that; this week’s message is from the heart.

All of us are taught lessons in life, every day something happens that you are learning from. Some good and some bad. It is important to take that lesson and learn from it and move on. The one thing i learnt this week is that I cannot be there to pick everyone up from their problems if i don't love myself or treat myself the way i treat other people, with kindness and unconditional love. I am a very kind person, which helps a little too much sometimes. This makes me for who I am. But there comes a time where you realize that you also have to take care of yourself and love yourself before you can go on loving everyone around you.

This week i met a new friend, she is a great person and I am so very happy I met her. She is so beautiful and kind and caring. She is just like me in almost every area of my life hahaha... What I'm trying to say here is that no matter how old you are no matter what your life story is life gives you people like this to be with and enjoy life with. I ended up falling for this young lady and the feeling was not mutual, but it’s OK :). Because of the Strong bond we had as friends we decided to stay friends, and I'm okay with that. I told her how I felt and she told me she didn't feel the same way. (Most people would be like oh OK talk you ya never) I'm not like most people as you may know :). We are the best of friends now and I'm glad for that. Fate has weird was of working.

Sometimes people think “my life sucks, I can’t find that one girl or that one guy that will make my life complete, and so I feel loved". Well please allow me to tell you, life is not going to be easy at first. but there is so much to do in life other than finding that one person to be happy with, in my case, instead of looking for the "one" I am improving my life and deciding what i want to do in life, I'm letting the universe take care of finding me a girlfriend ha ha. I have a good idea on how i want to live my life. Not many people know how they want to live there life at the age of 19, I do. So i am very happy about that.

You fall down and you get back up. I know someone out there is like “no my situation is different" OK, sure. No matter the situation you have, you need to get back on your horse and keep riding through life.

A number have people have messaged me asking for advice on their relationships this week, asking "is this the right girl for me", "can you ask my mom (who has passed) if this is the she would want me to be with." The dead should not have any say in what kind of girl you date or if this is the right one for you, they are your family and just as they did when they were here on earth they do in the afterlife, they love you, no matter what you do.

You will find people in your life that you fall for and sometimes you fall hard for the person, i understand. It’s OK, you have to keep positive. A story/ example i always tell to people are that. In my life I have become friends with some girls my age, and i thought i really liked them more than a friend. I told them how I felt and turned out the feelings were not mutual and we are now good friends. The lesson here is that you cannot live life in hurt and despair, depression or loss of hope. You need to get back on your horse and keep riding through the Valleys of life. No matter how hard things get don't give up!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A new World, a new Life, a new you :)

I don't know about you, but every time i look out and see the sun set or rise, no matter what i am doing i must pause until dark and watch the beauty that our beautiful world is giving us.

The first recognition of beauty is one of the most significant events in the history of the human consciousness. The mind is a very powerful tool in our lives and always will be. we also have our emotions (happiness, love, joy, random acts of kindness) these are all things that we expect in life but shouldn't be expecting. you should be siting back and enjoying life no matter what it gives to you.

The feelings of joy and love are interlinked with that recognition.Without fully realizing it, flowers, trees, and nature in general will become for us an expression in form, this form is most important to us as humans and ultimately formless within ourselves.

I was asked by someone i met last night at a message circle "how can i be more in tune, more connected" well i cant show you how to do that lol, we are all connected with each other and the world around us. It is important to maintain that bond with nature whether you are looking to be more in tune with spirit or your just looking for that aw feeling in your life. well I'm sure your like " how do i do this" well as i said before we are all connected with nature, you may not realize it, but we all are.
Try to strengthen your bond with the nature around you, you can do this by going out for walks and enjoying the sun, the air and the life forms of beauty around you or since it is cold outside and you most likely don't like to walk when its cold, pop your head outside the window and close your eyes and breathe. no matter where you are you can reconnect by taking a deep breath and only concentrating on your breathing, nothing else, let all your fears, pain and negativity run down your body (like water or mud) into the ground. breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth if you keep doing this you should feel more centered and grounded. take a look outside and enjoy life. no matter what happens, enjoy! :)

The flowers are like messengers from a different world. we just have to listen. living by kindness, acceptance, trust, love and joy can help you in hearing the world speak. we are one with our world, and we should try to stay that way.

I welcome you to go to your nearest book store and get a book called " A new Earth" it is a very good book and you will learn so much more about what i am talking to you about, it is about opening yourself up to the world and accepting all people and animals and all things seen or unseen into your life :) only then can you truly live life to the fullest :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

"coming out of the closet" the wiccan closet LOL

Good morning everyone,

Today i thought i would be good to talk about some of the stario types wiccans and pagans get allot from people that don't understand.

Well coming out of the Wiccan closet is not a easy thing to do, if you are as emotional and sensitive as i am, then you are probably thinking well my mom or dad or grandparents are going to think I'm crazy and going to go to hell. Well the fact is you don't know that for sure until you try it, right. there is no harm in trying something, and if you don't like it then get out of it. anyway back to the emotional crap lol.

In my first year of starting Wicca i had always had this haunting worry that if someone my parents knew found out and told them that i was Wiccan and practicing physic then would they be mad or ad, or embarrassed? well to my luck i am still worried about them being embarrassed about there son being "a witch", but the important thing is that you are happy with who you are and if your not then you should change things to make you happy in your life. your parents love you and will always love you.

My parents are very supportive of my religious choice. and I'm so glad for that. i have great parents that love and care for me. before i start sounding like a sob-opera here lol lets continue

being Wiccan means that you are accepting and loving of all things, yes this is meaning that the people you DISLIKE not hate!!! :) are people you actually should show love too, have you have you ever heard the words, "kill them with kindness" ? well that is a good few words to live by. as well you are opening a can of worms to have people that believe we are people the worship the devil and live in dark places with lots of black cat and where pointy hats lol, this is not the case, unless its dress up day at your house. :)

I have been told by a few family members that i am "playing with the devil" well i don't believe i am, the devil is a Cristian manifestation of the pagan god pan. I don't know about you but i have never worked with the pagan god pan in my entire life so, i don't see how i am "playing with the devil". you have to come to realize that when you " come out of the closet" you will receive jokes and ridicule about your belief system, but it i your job to change that view they have of Wicca and make it a positive experience. Wicca to me is not harmful, very loving and powerful, flowing with acceptance.

it is important to make sure you show Wicca to be a good thing, I'm not saying go up and down the streets in your town preaching your religion NO! i don't think that you should do that. if people don't want to hear it then that's fine if they have questions they will ask you.

Some of my friends think its very cool what i do and how i live my life, some think I'm crazy lol , but you win some you loose some.

I guess the lesson out of this today is to be happy with your self if your not happy then change something so you are happy.

thanks for reading

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wheel of the year

Wiccan Wheel of the Year


Samhain Hallowe'en15° ScorpioOct 31Pagan New Year, Honouring the Dead, Cleansing and releasing
Yule Christmas Winter SolsticeDec 21Rebirth, Life triumphs over death
Bridgid ImbolcCandlemas15° AquariusFeb 2Purification, Initiation, Dedication
Ostara Lady DayEasterSpring EquinoxMar 21Conception, Regeneration, New Beginnings
Beltane May DayMay Day15° TaurusMay 1Passion that fuels Life, Joy, Fertility
Litha Midsummer Summer SolsticeJun 21Transition, Planning
LammasLughnasadhFirst Harvest15° LeoAug 1Gratitude, Abundance, Fruition
Mabon Thanksgiving (Second Harvest)Autumn EquinoxSep 21Giving thanks, Reflection

Wiccan Rituals on the Sabbats

All of these occasions it is generaly customary for a Wiccan to do rituals. (And there are other reasons for Wiccan rituals aswell, such as blessings, healing, initiation, and life passages.)
It doesn't really matter whether you celebrate a Sabbat on your own or with others, in a quiet gathering or a full-drama ritual.
 What matters is that you . . .
  • Honour the Divine in every aspect of life,



it is geat to have this blog up here, i look forward to you all reading my blog posts and e-mailing questions :)