Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A new World, a new Life, a new you :)

I don't know about you, but every time i look out and see the sun set or rise, no matter what i am doing i must pause until dark and watch the beauty that our beautiful world is giving us.

The first recognition of beauty is one of the most significant events in the history of the human consciousness. The mind is a very powerful tool in our lives and always will be. we also have our emotions (happiness, love, joy, random acts of kindness) these are all things that we expect in life but shouldn't be expecting. you should be siting back and enjoying life no matter what it gives to you.

The feelings of joy and love are interlinked with that recognition.Without fully realizing it, flowers, trees, and nature in general will become for us an expression in form, this form is most important to us as humans and ultimately formless within ourselves.

I was asked by someone i met last night at a message circle "how can i be more in tune, more connected" well i cant show you how to do that lol, we are all connected with each other and the world around us. It is important to maintain that bond with nature whether you are looking to be more in tune with spirit or your just looking for that aw feeling in your life. well I'm sure your like " how do i do this" well as i said before we are all connected with nature, you may not realize it, but we all are.
Try to strengthen your bond with the nature around you, you can do this by going out for walks and enjoying the sun, the air and the life forms of beauty around you or since it is cold outside and you most likely don't like to walk when its cold, pop your head outside the window and close your eyes and breathe. no matter where you are you can reconnect by taking a deep breath and only concentrating on your breathing, nothing else, let all your fears, pain and negativity run down your body (like water or mud) into the ground. breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth if you keep doing this you should feel more centered and grounded. take a look outside and enjoy life. no matter what happens, enjoy! :)

The flowers are like messengers from a different world. we just have to listen. living by kindness, acceptance, trust, love and joy can help you in hearing the world speak. we are one with our world, and we should try to stay that way.

I welcome you to go to your nearest book store and get a book called " A new Earth" it is a very good book and you will learn so much more about what i am talking to you about, it is about opening yourself up to the world and accepting all people and animals and all things seen or unseen into your life :) only then can you truly live life to the fullest :)

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